4-H Forms

4-H Forms

4-H Forms

Sign-Up for 4-H HERE!


To enroll in Allen County 4-H Program as a Youth (Ages 9-18), please click the link below. Once the form is completed please turn it in at the Allen County Extension Office: 

2024 - 2025 4-H YOUTH ENROLLMENT FORM (Ages 9-18)


To enroll in Allen County 4-H Program as a Cloverbud (Ages 5-8), please click the link below. Once the form is completed please turn it in at the Allen County Extension Office: 

2024 - 2025 4-H CLOVERBUD ENROLLMENT FORM (Ages 5-8)


To enroll in the Allen County 4-H Program as an Adult Volunteer (Age 18+), please click the link below. Once the form is completed please turn it in at the Allen County Extension Office: 



4-H Summer Camp 2024 is set for July 1-5, 2024!!!


Sign up forms listed below...

To Access the 2024 4-H Summer Camp Application - Camper & Teen (click link below):

2024 Summer Camp - Camper & Teen Application 

To Access the 2024 4-H Summer Camp Application - Adults (click link below):

2024 Summer Camp - Adult Application (Ages 18+)

Adult Volunteer Applications will go through review process and must submit a Background Check and Child Abuse Neglect Screening to ensure safety of all campers.  Contact the Allen County Extension for a Background Check Packet at 200 East Main Street Scottsville, KY 42164 or (270) 237-3146 or allen.ext@uky.edu



2024 Summer Camp - Camper Scholarship Application 



4-H Summer Camp Class Selection Sheet (Required)


TO ACCESS THE 4-H Camp Damage Fees form (CLICK LINK BELOW):

4-H Summer Camp Damage Fees Form (Required)



4-H Summer Camp Immunization Form (Required if not Checked on Form)



4-H Summer Camp Lice Check Form (Required)



TO ACCESS THE 4-H Camp Damage Fees form (CLICK LINK BELOW):

4-H Summer Camp Medication Form (Optional)

TO ACCESS THE 2024 4-H summer Camp Camper Orientation (CLICK LINK BELOW):

4-H Summer Camp Orientation PowerPoint


Allen County 4-H's Annual Member & Volunteer Recognition Banquet is set to take place 

Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 at 5:30 PM

All Allen County 4-H Youth are HIGHLY encouraged to completed and submit a Member Recognition Form to be recognized at the 4-H Banquet for their 4-H involvement & accomplishments.  Complete and return the forms below by the 9/30/2024 deadline:


Select the Link below to access the Member Recognition Form for Annual 4-H Banquet:


Select the Link below to access the Cloverbud Member Recognition Form for Annual 4-H Banquet:


Kentucky 4-H State Achievement Program & Application 

The Kentucky 4-H Achievement Application is a 4-H Recognition Award that that recognizes youth for their 4-H Participation Level at county, area and state 4-H levels.  The 4-H Achievement Application requires youth to keep records and complete their achievement application covering the members involvement in five areas: Leadership, Civic Engagement, Communication/Marketing, , Community Action and Involvement/Participation.  The intent of the 4-H Achievement Program is to encourage youth’s involvement and participation in 4-H to expand over their entire 4-H careers as well as apply record keeping skills for state level recognition.  Members who complete the 4-H Achievement Form will receive county and area recognition, in addition to state recognition and awards at State Level 4-H Conferences. 


What is the Achievement Application?:

A document that youth use to record 4-H participation each year.  Points are assigned for participation and youth receive recognition for their achievements. Youth should record their participation age at the Age of your 4-H Youth right now in the Sept. 2023 – Aug. 2024 Year.  These applications should be updated each year.


Included in the attachments:

  • Achievement Application***   NOTE: 1st time applicants should use the NEW Blue Achievement Application attached.  Repeat applicants should update their existing forms. 
  • Delegate Information **( Ages aligned with Clover Levels- Please Review**)

  • Achievement Program Profile & Instruction** (must be completed with levels Bronze, Silver Gold, NOT required for Clover Levels I, II, III)


Youth can apply to receive non-competitive Clover Levels: Clover I, Clover II and Clover III as well as compete for Honors Awards: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Emerald Honor Awards.  Allen County 4-H has a rich history of participants who have participated in and received state recognition for these awards.   Members must meet the minimum age level in order to apply for any of these awards (see Eligibility Document attached).  When members reach Bronze, Silver, Gold or Emerald Levels, youth can receive paid scholarships to attend 4-H Teen Conference, 4-H National Congress and/or 4-H National Conference.  Completing the Achievement Application and receiving these awards are great recognitions to list on resumes as well as families begin to help their youth develop their resumes and experiences. 


NEW 2024 UPDATE: There are no limits on the number of applications submitted by each area grouping this year. All Bronze, Silver, and Gold applications will be judged by the State Agent Committee. However, it is imperative that all applications are filled out correctly and are not missing any information. Any applications received that are filled out incorrectly or are missing information will not be judged at the state level and will be disqualified.​


Why should you complete the 4-H Achievement Application?:

This is such an important opportunity for any 4-Her’s ages 9-18 with at least one year of activities in the program!  4-Her’s not only learn valuable record keeping skills and resume builders BUT ALSO receive cool award recognition at the Allen County 4-H Annual Recognition Banquet (like 4-H drinkware, Hoodies, Lawn Chairs, Backpacks, more!) AND IT ALSO builds onto MCA Area 4-H and State 4-H Recognition and the John Swack $1,000 Scholarship Programs as well. 

*** NOTE: Only Youth who complete the 4-H Achievement Application will be eligible for the Outstanding and Excellent 4-H’er Junior and Senior Awards!!!!


Who should complete a 4-H Achievement Application?:

If you are of at least 9 years old 4-H Age and have participated in 4-H for at least one year, you should consider completing the Achievement Form.  Points are built during 4-H Career, ages 9-18 4-H age and build for Clover Levels I, Clover Level II, Clover Level III, Bronze Award, Silver Award, Gold Award and Emerald Award.  Scholarships are available for John Swack Foundation for $1,000.00.  Potential for partial/full paid leadership conferences both in and out of state possible.     


How to Complete the 4-H Achievement Recognition Form:

  • Complete the Achievement forma attached – ONLY TYPED SUBMISSIONS ACCEPTED.  Unless pre-approved by Agent Anna.  
  • Turn in your form by the MONDAY SEPT. 30TH AT 4:30 PM DEADLINE.  Failure to submit on time will result in being disqualified.

  • Forms can be turned in by either:
    • HARD COPY to our Extension Office at 200 East Main Street Scottsville KY OR
    • ELECTRONICALLY by email to our new form submission email:  allencounty4hprogram@gmail.com  -  DO NOT SEND DIRECTLY TO AGENT ANNA TO AVOID POTENTIALLY LOST PAPERWORK


Need help???  Watch an informative video at your own convenience & Schedule a In-person/Zoom Meeting with Agent Anna Before 9/25:

Agent Anna encourages all new families who have never completed the Achievement Application to watch the video to learn how to make completing this Form a whole lot easier.  

Learn more about our Member Recognition Form 101 Training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6J7D18TsL4&list=PLaO7ZLnxnasQ1kBevDZ-BVoBqquwuD-oP&index=6



For more information or if you have questions, please contact 4-H Agent Anna Meador by emailing anna.meadro1@uky.edu or 270-237-3146.


Select Link, then check downloads for WRD Document for 2024 - 2025 Achievement Application:


Achievement Program Eligibility Levels

Achievement Profile for Levels Bronze, Silver, Gold & Emerald 

Achievement Application FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Achievement Application Hints & Help

Achievement Application Rubric

Achievement Interview Rubric 

2024 Allen County 4-H Communications Contest 


Did you know…  Learning to public speak at a young age:   

1.) Builds youth confidence to take on future leadership roles

2.) Encourages youth to tackle fears that will help them succeed in their future

3) Teaches youth the power of persuasion and importance of clear communication

4) And SO MUCH MORE!!! 

The Allen County Communications Contest will take place on Friday April 12th, 2024 at 5:30 – 7:30 PM in the Extension Office Building.  

Participating youth should REGISTER BY 4/5 with their name, 4-H Age, Contest Type (speech/demonstration/mock-interview) and Title.  The contest will start with brief instructions at 5:30 PM for participants and families and then we will break out in our three meeting spaces for Speeches and Demonstrations.  Any youth wishing to compete in the Mock Interview Contest should plan to arrive at 4:30 PM and communicate their selected “Job Role” to Agent Anna in advance.  The Communications Contest is open to ages 5-18 (note Cloverbuds Ages 5-8 will all be recognized for participation and not compete).

Need help preparing!???
Consider participating an our Public Speaking Workshop coming up in two weeks on Thursday March 14th, 2024 at 3:30-5:00 PM.  Agent Anna will be leading workshop to help youth prepare for their speech, demonstration or mock interview.  (Also great education hours opportunity for Country Ham Project participants).  This is a perfect time to ask questions about the 4-H Public Speaking Project as well.  We will help with the planning, preparation, writing and presentation aspects of each project.  Agent Anna asks that you PLEASE Register for this Workshop by 3/12 with our office by calling 270-237-3146.  If no participants register by date, this workshop will be cancelled. 

What will youth get:
Not only will youth gain lots of confidence, practice public speaking, learn communication skills and more!

  • Youth will compete for Class Champion and receive ribbons based upon quality of performance (Blue- Excellent, Red- Good Job, White- Needs Work)
  • Champions will receive a Rosette Ribbons and the chance to advance to the Area Communications Contest.  Those Area Winners will advance to compete at state. 
  • ALL Participants will be awarded based upon their Ribbon Performance: TO BE ANNOUNCED...

 Definitions of Communications Contest Categories:

  • Speech: A form of verbal communication in which an individual communicates a message (informative OR persuasive) without the assistance of props.  Youth are welcome to note cards and should dress in Sunday-best clothing.   

  • Demonstration: A form of verbal communication in which an individual demonstrates step-by-step instructions with props and posters to inform the audience of how to complete instructions for a singular topic.  Youth should have props, posters & clothing related to topic.   
  • Mock-Interview: The individual will be engaged in a “practice” interview with a resume and interview questions related to the “Job Role” they selected.  Youth should prepare a resume, practice interview questions and dress in Sunday-best.

Youth should also note time restrictions for either a speech or demonstration:

  • Speech time: 3-5 minutes for Juniors.  Cloverbuds should aim for a minimum of two minutes if possible. 
  • Demonstrations time: 5-15 minutes for all ages.  Cloverbuds should aim for a minimum of five minutes if possible. 
  • Mock Interviews: 5-15 minutes


For more information or questions, please contact us at 270-237-3146 or by email at anna.meador1@uky.edu

Contact Information

200 East Main Street P.O. Box 355 Scottsville, KY 42164

(270) 237-3146
